Thursday 31 March 2011

- Type Anthropomorphism

For this task we were asked to create a display font which had critter images based on the letters and symbols. It was a fun task, however I faced many difficulties and challenges in trying to incorporate animals into the letters in a way where it would be legible and unified.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

- CreativeTypefaces

These few typeface designs really grab my attentions due to its artistic style and creation. I extremely like the high heels and also paper clip design because the designers used everyday objects and altered the shape of it to combine into a letter form.

- Letter Sounds

This was an interesting task where we had to design words to match their meaning. However,we could only use the tools of adjusting space and angles for each individual letter, instead of creating outlines, so it was harder to achiever what we had in mind.  Although there are many restrictions in using these tools, such as only being able to alter the space and angles, it still looked effective.

Friday 11 March 2011

- Meaningful words exercise

For this exercise i attempted to create a mistical feeling in the word design itself.I took a foggy approach in colours and the font i chose was artistic and flowy to match the meaning of the word.

- Initals Logo Exercise

For this task we were asked to create a logo using our initials by designing in Adobe Illustrator. We had a selection of typefaces to choose from, including:

·       Gill Sans
·       Garamond
·       Arial
·       Adobe Caslon Pro

The modification of the fonts had to be subtle and uniform, and by using the design elements we had to create a dynamic and visually interesting logo. I decided to design a few different logos with very contrasting styles and design elements. The ideas i came up with had unity, which tied the letters together and created its own font style. My first concept was much more classical and elegant, which would be suitable as possibly a law firm, business company, bookshop, or any job that would need to express a professional aspect to it. The second concept i created was much more modern and bold, and with the use of tilting and arranging the letters, i managed to form a triangular space in the centre of the design, causing it to seem like a logo. Due to the sharp edges on the letters, i thought it would be an interesting and appropriate logo for a hardware store, electrical supplies, and more technical engineering or technology wise stores. My final concept was much more altered and manipulated by the outlines, and i even slanted the logo to create an interesting effect. However, it does not seem to be a proper logo for any business, and it is quite bold and thick. For the two top designs, i also created them in different colour schemes, to show the different businesses they could associate with just by changing colours to be more suitable.

- Typeface Exercise


A funeral Parlour

Lucida Handwriting

Goudy Stout
Cursive typefaces such as Lucida Handwriting show much more affection and elegance than Goudy Stout being rough and bold.

A solicitor firm

Imprint MT Shadow

Informal Roman
Imprint MT Shadow creates a feeling of trust and down to earth feeling, whilst Tempus Sans ITC is uneven and unbalanced, which would be unsuitable for a law firm.

A kid’s party shop


Commercial Script BT
Jokerman typeface is fun and quirky. It is perfect to be used as a kid’s font whilst Commercial Script BT is much too serious.

A flower shop

French Script MT

French Script typeface has subtle references to the art nouveau style, which makes it suitable for a floral shop and would be classified as a display font type.

A trendy clothing store

Bauhaus 93

Comic Sans MS
A trendy clothing store also needs something a bit more unique and interesting as an eye catchy design, rather than a commonly used text type.

A boutique organic supermarket


Berlin Sans FB
Algerian typeface has a subtle antique feeling, which is ideal for a boutique store and suggests the delicateness of the items in the shop. Berlin Sans lacks emotion and uniqueness.

An inner city cafe


Mistral gives off a much more artistic feeling, whic his suitable for a cafe, whilst Georgia font is dull and too bold.

A public transport system

Britannic Bold

Script MT Bold
For a public transport system, the font should be easy to read and recognise. The simpler the better, and with more width to the letters would make it more readable, unlike cursive fonts.

A professional photographer

Baskerville Old Face

Bauhaus 93
A professional photographer would most likely want their clients to feel that they are skilled and specialized, whislt Bauhaus 93 is too modern and more of a display font.

A retro-style bicycle manufacture

Harlow Solid Italic

Century Gothic
Harlow Solid Italic is modern and a more aristically designed typeface, also  has a metallic metal feeling to it, which is why it would be ver ysuitable for a retro-style bicycle manufacture business. Century Gothic would be too plain

- Analysing font types and their anatomy

Serif and sans serif
X height
Measuring type
Type width
Variations on a theme
Line Length
Word and letter spacing

Bodoni MT
Bodoni MT is a font with three different types, all with serifs. The original type has a wide spacing between each letter and the x height shares the same length as both the top and bottom ascenders.

Bodoni MT Poster Compressed
Bodoni MT poster Compressed has very narrow spacing between the letters. The top and bottom ascenders have equal lengths, however very short compared to the x height. There is hardly any spacing between the letters, and would be hard to read in small font sizes.

Bodoni MT Condensed
Similar to the poster compressed, the Bodoni MT condensed is quite narrow in letter width. However, the spacing between letters is evidently wider. The serif on each letter has a curve which connects from the letter itself and creates depth.

Informal Roman
Informal Roman accentuates the serifs attached on the ends of each letter, causing it to be a unique yet messy type.