Friday 11 March 2011

- Analysing font types and their anatomy

Serif and sans serif
X height
Measuring type
Type width
Variations on a theme
Line Length
Word and letter spacing

Bodoni MT
Bodoni MT is a font with three different types, all with serifs. The original type has a wide spacing between each letter and the x height shares the same length as both the top and bottom ascenders.

Bodoni MT Poster Compressed
Bodoni MT poster Compressed has very narrow spacing between the letters. The top and bottom ascenders have equal lengths, however very short compared to the x height. There is hardly any spacing between the letters, and would be hard to read in small font sizes.

Bodoni MT Condensed
Similar to the poster compressed, the Bodoni MT condensed is quite narrow in letter width. However, the spacing between letters is evidently wider. The serif on each letter has a curve which connects from the letter itself and creates depth.

Informal Roman
Informal Roman accentuates the serifs attached on the ends of each letter, causing it to be a unique yet messy type.

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